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She uses her wiles first and beauty second...



Andrea was born and raised in a small town outside of Montreal, Canada.  An adventurous girl at heart she spent her early childhood years exploring the deep forests surrounding her home, enjoyed ice skating under a moonlight night, was captain of her of her own club house, won races for the yacht club swim team, competitively showed her horse Chamonix winning ribbons in dressage to the junior hunt and had her first real kiss by a pond near her home from an English boy named Tommy.

At 19 years old she moved to New York City where she earned a B.F.A. at The Parsons School of Design. While holding a Design position creating unique window displays for stores in New York City she began studying acting and improvisation with some of the finest instructors while participating in industry showcases and sketch comedy shows.

Andrea’s theatre credits in New York City include Thespian Stories (various comedic roles) at The Triad Theatre, The Peculiar Road (Missy, a drunk woman) at The Abingdon Main Stage, Avant-Garde, (Wilma, jaded Girlfriend) at The Abingdon Main Stage, I Heart Manhattan (Pamela, fearful wife) Directed by Bobby Holder, Faces of Theatre, Flora (obsessive girlfriend) at The June Havoc Theatre, 78th St. Theatre Lab (various comedic roles) Directed by Tom Soter, Imagination Window, (Teresa frustrated woman) at The June Havoc Theatre , Winter Absurdity, (Chrissy, insane woman) at The Abingdon Main Stage.

Andrea’s film credits include Monsters We Defy, (Karen, vindictive woman) Directed by Romney Rosario, Messenger, (Jane, courageous woman) Directed by Francisco Salazar and screened at the Sunscreen Film Festival on April 21st and 22nd 2012, Bang Bang, (Lauren, seductress) Directed by Peter O’Brien, Boardwalk Empire, (Mistress, featured) Directed by Martin Scorsese and Spider Man 3(Beautiful Woman, featured) Directed by Sam Raimi.

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Andrea Graham. All Rights Reserved 2015 

Photo Credit to Jill Lotenberg & Alexander Carr

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